Laparoscopic Surgery

Topic Overview

Laparoscopy (say "lap-uh-ROSS-kuh-pee") is surgery that is done through small cuts (incisions) in your belly.

To do this type of surgery, a doctor puts a lighted tube, or scope, and other surgical tools through small incisions in your belly. The doctor can take out organs such as the spleen, the gallbladder, the appendix, an ovary, a fallopian tube, or part of the intestine during laparoscopy. He or she can repair a hernia or take out small tumors, cysts, or other growths. The doctor also can use laparoscopy to close a woman's fallopian tubes (tubal ligation).

In laparoscopy, recovery is usually less painful and faster than in surgery done through one large cut (called open surgery). You may also spend less time in the hospital and away from work and other activities.

Typically laparoscopy leaves several scars about half an inch long.


ByHealthwise Staff
Primary Medical Reviewer Adam Husney, MD - Family Medicine
E. Gregory Thompson, MD - Internal Medicine
Specialist Medical Reviewer Kenneth Bark, MD - General Surgery, Colon and Rectal Surgery

Current as ofMarch 28, 2018